At the moment we have two tools.

For Excel, we have the Adequate Add-in. This consists of a large number of new functions and a number of new components such as a zoom editor and a calculator. Also, this add-in is provided with a dynamic multiple regression analysis that is even capable of creating a UDF (User Difined Function).

Then we have the passwordmanager SafePass wich secures all your passwords and logs on automatically to your websites.

We can also customize a tool for you. We can do this in one of the following environments:

  • MS-Office (Access, Excel, Word, VBA)
  • VB.Net
  • Oracle (PL/SQL)
  • Lazarus (Delphi)

We have a unique marketing plan for creating tools.
If you want us to develop a customized tool for you, send an email to Customized tool.