The add-in Adequate contains a wizard that allows you to convert Excel tables to SQL-scripts.

You receive tables that need to be progressed into your database. Often these tables will be delivered in a csv-format or in Excel, but rarely in a format that your database knows how to handle.

The wizard Excel2SQL offers a solution!

You convert tables in Excel to ‘real’ Excel tables. Then you boot up the wizard. The wizard contains a few steps:

For example, you decide which script you want to create and choose the desired RDBMS:

The Excel2SQL wizard from HJGSoft Adequate: Decision-making
The Excel2SQL wizard from HJGSoft Adequate: Decision-making

You pick the tables you want to make scripts of:

The Excel2SQL wizard from HJGSoft Adequate: Choosing tables
The Excel2SQL wizard from HJGSoft Adequate: Choosing tables

You set up a number of things per table:

The Excel2SQL wizard from HJGSoft Adequate: Table settings
The Excel2SQL wizard from HJGSoft Adequate: Table settings

You can even add relationships:

The Excel2SQL wizard from HJGSoft Adequate: Relationships
The Excel2SQL wizard from HJGSoft Adequate: Relationships

Before the scripts are produced, you get to see an overview of the choices you made and the controls:

The Excel2SQL wizard from HJGSoft Adequate: Overview
The Excel2SQL wizard from HJGSoft Adequate: Overview

Now, the scripts are made.

When something tends to go wrong, the wizard notices:

The Excel2SQL wizard from HJGSoft Adequate: Overview mistakes
The Excel2SQL wizard from HJGSoft Adequate: Overview mistakes

The wizard is overfilled with intelligence.

The wizard

  • Checks if all the chosen tables have unique names
  • Checks if all the chosen columns within the table have unique names
  • Checks in all the chosen tables if the chosen primary key is unique
  • Checks in all the chosen tables if the foreign keys are present in linked tables
  • Decides (by itself) the type per column so that all the values fit
  • Decides the correct size and kind of text- and decimal fields

The wizard is capable of making insert-scripts as well as create-scripts.

The wizard momentarily works for MySQL, Oracle and MS-SQLServer.