The new version (2017) contains the following:


Data statistics

This allows you to determine a huge amount of standard statistics using a large amount of data. The data can be rounded, organised and be put into different classes:

Data Statistics wizard
Data Statistics wizard
Data Statistics result
Data Statistics result

Solving System of Equations

This allows you to solve an equation with n variables. It can also show the calculations:

Solving System of Equations wizard
Solving System of Equations wizard
Solving System of Equations result
Solving System of Equations result


The following new functions are added:

  • HJG_IsPrime – Determines if a number is a prime number.
  • HJG_IsRelativelyPrime – Determines if two numbers are relatively prime.
  • HJG_Radical – Calculates the radical of a number; the product from all prime factors with exponent 1.
  • HJG_TermSavings – Calculates the end balance of term saving, including the interest at the end of every year instead of after every period (like the Excel function FV).
  • 12 functions with which you can calculate dates before 1-1-1900! Read the article!

Excel Adequate Version 2017 is out now!