HJGSoft is a company that specializes in making tools for Windows, Office and Oracle and providing and developing technical training courses.


We are developping SafePass wich allows you to save and manage all your passwords. It also allows you to automatically login to your sites.

HJGSoft- SafePass

Excel add-in: Adequate

At this moment we have a toolbox (add-in) for Excel with many new features and functions such as a ZoomEditor.

Excel Adequate: ZoomEditor

NEW: A wizard to convert Excel-tables to instert- and create-scripts for MySQL, Oracle or MS-SQLServer.

Excel Adequate: Excel2SQL wizard

ALSO NEW: added 12 functions that you can count on dates before 1/1/1900!

Desktop clock

HJGSoft has developed a handy clock for your desktop. Especially for the second screen.

And you can use it for free!

Desktop clock